A few months back I signed up for relea:se by Ore Fakorede because I stumbled upon a post that read like he overheard me and published my story. While I was reading it, in my head, I kept saying, “Hoowwwww did he knowww? Omgggg”

That was the beginning.

I’ve actually wondered why some human beings (unfortunately, the ones I’ve been around) believe that working out is for overweight people.

I know I can be such a lazy bum but over the years I’ve been constantly discouraged from doing any form of workout because well, I’m skinny – not underweight, just skinny – model skinny.

Now, I do a lot of walking, not with the intent to exercise but because na condition dey make millipede coil.

So, I compensate with that. When normal and helpful people say, “You should workout.” I don’t respond because in my head I always say, “Girl, all that walk you always walk what is that one called? Please dear, you work out enough.”

About a month ago, I got to do a medical check up (something I had avoided for months because I was “busy”) – I got a surprisingly scary result. I won’t go into serious details so I don’t scare you too but it turns out I do a whole lot more mental work than physical work (basically, than exercise).

Maybe I took for granted the bible passage that reads,

“And if one member suffers, all the parts share the suffering; if one member is honored, all rejoice with it.” – 1 Corinthians 12:26 AMP

Clearly, the other parts of my body were suffering as I suffered my mind.

Now, you would think that right after my medical results I would jump on my recommendation to take exercise seriously.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, say what you want. See, I almost never add weight. I almost never even lose weight. Heck, I even look fit. So, what is it?

I actually tried. I exercised with a trainer about twice a week since that day. Thankfully, that was the period I was contesting in a pageant (I’ll tell you about that later, gosh).

Right after two inconsistent weeks of working out and the pageant, I threw it out the window. More like throwing my healthiness out the window. I went back to my sedentary-mindgobbling-casually walking self.

Then came December 8th. I got a notification in my mail for relea:se #11 and it read “RUN FOR YOUR LIFE”. It was that big in my head. Once again, he (Ore) did that thing. The same thing that made me subscribe.

Basically, that post was about moving with purpose (exercising) to stay healthy and alive for longer on this planet.

I’m spurred. Again.

Yesterday, I decided to run. I got up as early as 6 to run in my estate – no, I had no post workout cramps. I guess I already loosened my crooked joints weeks ago when I semi worked out with that trainer.

Whilst running, I saw an older woman (also working out) stare me down like why is this one even running? She didn’t even have to speak. I know that look too well. It’s the look of people who think being skinny means don’t exercise because are you trying to turn into a skeleton?

But just like the post read, the next time someone asks me why I’m even working out, I’d tell them, “I’m running from bad health.”

I think you should too!
